

The data shown on these pages is from the PIO database and has been collected since 2015. The data is used for reporting to our donors and to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. It is also used to monitor trends, especially in student achievement and enrolment.

Select an option and the data for that topic will appear below.

PIO data for this year

Warning: mysqli_connect(): (28000/1045): Access denied for user 'euclid_pio'@'' (using password: YES) in /home/peopqout/public_html/includes/connectPIODatabase.php on line 10

Warning: mysqli_select_db() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, boolean given in /home/peopqout/public_html/includes/connectPIODatabase.php on line 11

Warning: mysqli_error() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in /home/peopqout/public_html/includes/connectPIODatabase.php on line 11
Unable to select database: